Hajj & Umrah

Holy Umrah

Holy Umrah is warmly welcoming Muslims of Bangladesh and the best  umrah for them and their families all over Bangladesh.

Umrah is a small Hajj that can be completed anytime during the year. It can be performed besides Hajj and on other days as well. According to the Quran: “—accomplish Hajj and Umrah to satisfy Allah”.

Very few activities are as holy as umrah for Muslims and it is said to bring numerous profits to one, in the world as well as in the life hereafter. It is the new type of pilgrimage, alongside Hajj, which has very high importance in the religion of Islam.

Holy Hajj

A Brief History of Holy Hajj

Prophet Ibrahim would come to Makkah to complete Hajj every year after making the Ka’bah. After his passing away, this practice was continued by his son. Still, slowly but surely with the passage of time, both the form and the goal of the Hajj rites were altered. As idolization spread throughout Arabia, the Ka’bah lost its cleanliness, and idols were placed inside it. Its walls were covered with poems and paintings, including one of Jesus and his mother Maryam, and eventually, over 360 statues came to be located around the Ka’bah.

At the time of hajj, the atmosphere around the holy boundaries of the Ka’bah was like a festival. Men and women would set out round the Ka’bah nakedly. Their request became devoid of all sincere celebration of Allah and was instead summary to a series of hand clapping, whistling, and the blowing of horns. In the name of God, sacrifices were also made However, the blood of the sacrificed animals was transferred onto the walls of the Ka’bah and the flesh was dropped from pillars around the Ka’bah, in the faith that Allah required the flesh and blood of these animals.

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